Discovering the Dutch: Dutch Culture and Society - Track
This special track explores the question of Dutch identity by placing the history of the Netherlands and Dutch art in a wider European and transatlantic perspective.
This special track explores the question of Dutch identity by placing the history of the Netherlands and Dutch art in a wider European and transatlantic perspective.
Utrecht Summer School | E: info@utrechtsummerschool.nl
You will be introduced to the rich cultural traditions which the Netherlands has developed from the Dutch Golden Age to the present day in artistic fields such as painting, literature, poetry and filmmaking. You will also analyse internationally debated issues in Dutch society, past and present. These include traditions of literacy, cosmopolitanism, and tolerance as well as more practical issues, including euthanasia and the internationally renowned drugs policies.
The first two weeks, you will focus more specifically on the Low Countries and on Dutch identity and heritage. Each week will have its own theme, the first of which is the art and history of the Low Countries. The lectures will give you an insight into the distinctive historical periods of Dutch history and what is preserved as heritage.
Heritage is what a social context wants to preserve in the present to enact certain futures. In the Low Countries, certain pasts have been preserved, and others have been deliberately forgotten. In this course, we study the mechanics and politics of heritage-making. Students engage with a series of heritage and art collections, learn about Dutch and Belgian culture and politics, and understand how heritage has shaped society and citizens.
During the third week, lecturers will discuss the most characteristic institutions and arrangements of Dutch society. These include the welfare state and the polder model but also the actual lay-out of the country. Since the Dutch live in a small geographical space, environmental planning and engineering have always been of vital importance. Another crucial feature of Dutch planning is water management. You will learn about the real role of the typical windmills that you can find all over the Netherlands.
In the last week we will explore public debates in Dutch society at the beginning of the 21st century. Topics to be discussed are religious diversity and secularization, immigration and integration and Dutch traditions of cooperation. You will have various lectures and seminar groups during which you are expected to participate in discussions on Dutch society and to work on assignments.
Students go on interesting excursions throughout the Netherlands, related to the four themes. More information will be presented in the day-to-day programme, posted on this course page in February 2024.
The programme is open to students from all disciplines. This is a humanities / social sciences course.
This course introduces participants to the history, society, art and culture of the Netherlands. By studying Dutch society, art and culture in an international context, students will be offered an incentive to reflect anew on their own culture and society in an international setting.
You will experience an intensive four-week programme with lectures and seminar groups during which you are expected to participate in discussions and work on assignments and group presentations.
The housing costs do not include a Utrecht Summer School sleeping bag. This is a separate product on the invoice. If you wish to bring your own bedding, please deselect or remove the sleeping bag from your order.