Join our social activities during your Summer School course!

Utrecht Summer School not only offers you a fine selection of interesting courses in all kinds of disciplines, it also aims at giving the participants an unforgettable experience.

Get to know your classmates, other summer students, and the city of Utrecht by taking part in this year's social programme! Join our pub quiz, scavenger hunt, night canoeing, or one of the other activities during your stay in Utrecht. 

Take a look at our Social Media Timeline, to see which activities you can join, while being in Utrecht!

Please do register for the following events:

Visit the Utrecht University Botanic Gardens

During the Summer School, you are welcome to visit the Utrecht University Botanic Gardens at the Utrecht Science Park for free! Just show your Letter of Acceptance, visible in your account on our website. You do not have to register. On and around Fort Hoofddijk, different gardens and other attractions can be found, each with its own distinctive character. They play an important role in supporting education and research.

More information? Take a look on this page.

Join our USS Photo Challenge

Throughout the summer, you are invited to use your photo skills! Share your special Utrecht Summer School experience via Social Media. Use #USS2024 and tag the Utrecht Summer School office (@utrechtsummerschool). There will be a special prize for the one who is able to capture the summer vibes in a particularly extraordinary way!

Discover Utrecht & The Netherlands

The Utrecht Summer School Staff has selected some interesting highlights of Utrecht & The Netherlands for you. Below you can download a PDF file, which we hope will be a source of great inspiration!

Discover Utrecht

Discover The Netherlands