
Global Health Ethics & Equity

This summer course focuses on urgent topics in global health ethics and equity. With an enthusiastic team of experts from all over the world, the current major challenges to health equity in the world as well as potential solutions are discussed.  

This course is closed and you can't apply anymore. Please check our other courses.


Course Level
ECTS credits
1.5 ECTS
Course location(s)
Utrecht, The Netherlands


The summer course focuses on urgent topics in global health ethics and equity. With an enthusiastic team of experts from all over the world, the major current challenges to health equity in the world as well as potential solutions are discussed. 

The course programme booklet will be available from January 2024. Curious about last year's edition? Have a look at the programme booklet uploaded on this page.




"It was really wonderful and I feel so inspired by the participants, teachers, dynamics etc! Even though I came out with more questions, I also feel more motivated to do what I can within my sphere of influence!"

A participant from the 2023 edition


Lecturers of the 2024 Global Health Ethics & Equity summer school are:

  • Dr. Rieke van der Graaf (UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands)
  • Dr. Joyce Browne (UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands)
  • Prof. Dr. Seye Abimbola (University of Sydney, Australia)
  • Dr Bridget Pratt (Australian Catholic University, Australia)
  • Dr. Sandra Alba (KIT Royal Tropical Institute, the Netherlands)
  • Dr. Sharon Kaur (University of Malaya, Malaysia)
  • Dr. Tarek Meguid (Namibia)
  • Ms. Koiwah Koi-Larbi Ofosuapea (Action on Preeclampsia Ghana, Ghana)
  • Dr. Wilbert Bannenberg (Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation)
  • Prof. Fatima Suleman (University of KwaZulu-Natal )
  • Dr. Amrish Baidjoe (Médecins Sans Frontières, LSHTM; Luxembourgh/UK)
  • Prof. Hans van Delden (UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands)
  • Dr. Ehsan Shamsi Gooshki (Monash University & Tehran University of Medical Sciences)
  • Ms. Julia Addison (UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands)

Target audience

This course is open to all with an interest in global health and health equity:

  • Professionals: medical doctors, bioethicists, (political) philosophers, sociologists
  • (PhD) researchers, from any discipline but with an affinity with Global Health
  • Policy makers
  • Master’s level students from a wide range of eligible backgrounds, e.g. medicine, global health, public health, biomedical sciences, philosophy, bioethics, applied ethics, sociology

Aim of the course

Guest lecturers will provide interactive sessions, alternated by small group work, to address the following learning objectives: 

  • Understand the key challenges in global health ethics and equity
  • Discuss strategies to address the key challenges
  • Apply concepts discussed within the course to real-life situations brought in by teachers and fellow participants
  • Argue for a position in health equity debates

Study load

Full-time, one week in Utrecht (the Netherlands).


  • Course fee: €795.00
  • Included: Course + course materials + lunch
  • Housing fee: €200
  • Housing provider: Utrecht Summer School

This course has the following fee options, based on your individual circumstances and application date: 

Registration date HIC-based** LMIC-based*
Early bird €595,- €395,-
Late bird €795,- €495,-

The fees include course materials, coffee, tea, fruit, Dutch cookies and a daily (vegetarian) lunch. These early bird registration fees apply until 1 March 2024. 

*LMIC are low- and middle-income countries, as classified by the World Bank. Participants can apply for the LMIC fee based on the location of the institution which they are affiliated to. HIC are high-income countries, as classified by the World Bank. Erasmus+ KA107 or KA171 participants pay full fee. 

**For participants working in the private sector, late bird HIC-fee applies (€795,-)

If you combine this summer school with other Global Health courses, there is an additional discount of € 30 per course. Please mention this in your application, so we can apply the discount.

Additional information

The housing costs do not include a Utrecht Summer School sleeping bag. This is a separate product on the invoice. If you wish to bring your own bedding, please deselect or remove the sleeping bag from your order. 


For this course you are required to upload the following documents when applying:

  • Motivation Letter
  • C.V.


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