Eye Tracking Research Toolbox
This course will allow you to explore key concepts in eye tracking research and help you integrate it in your study.
This course will allow you to explore key concepts in eye tracking research and help you integrate it in your study.
Eye tracking is a powerful method to study the human mind and behaviour.
The course is divided into two components: (1) a conceptual framework to help you make better decisions when planning and executing a study, allowing you to turn eye tracking data into valuable insights; (2) a practical introduction to the challenges and trade-offs you will encounter during a study, helping you to establish a set of "good practices" that you can easily transfer to your research.
Key concepts in this eye-tracking course are:
In covering these concepts during the course, the focus will be on the trade-offs, not the "right" answer. Usually, in eye-tracking research, absolute right answers do not exist. In this course, we will stress that context (e.g. Which participant group are you measuring? What question are you trying to answer? Where is the research conducted?) is important for the implementation of eye tracking.
Dr. Ignace Hooge
Ignace Hooge (1966) studied physics and received his PhD in 1996. He has been doing eye tracking since 1992 and used many different eye tracking techniques (coils, video, mobile). Currently, he is an associate professor in experimental psychology at Utrecht University. Besides science and teaching he worked in commercial marketing research and tested many billboards and advertisements with eye tracking. His research interests range from eye tracking methodology (mainly data analysis), visual perception, attention, and visual search to applied psychology. Ignace was awarded the teacher of the university award in 2015.
For publications see: https://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=uSRpKW4AAAAJ
Dr. Roy Hessels
Roy Hessels (1990) studied psychology and is currently an associate professor in experimental psychology at Utrecht University. His main research interests are eye movements and the role they play in interaction with others and the world. In his research, Roy uses wearable eye trackers and dual eye-tracking setups, and his participants range from infants to adults. More broadly, Roy conducts research on human interaction, visual perception, and eye-tracking methodology. Next to his research, Roy teaches psychology students how to set up experiments and analyse data, and was awarded multiple teaching awards of the Psychology department.
For publications see: https://scholar.google.nl/citations?hl=nl&user=u1A7Z34AAAAJ
Individuals who are (one of) the first in their group, company, or research field to use eye tracking. Previous attendees have come from:
Note that this is not an exhaustive list and attendees from different fields are very welcome as well.
To let you make better decisions to optimize your eye-tracking study.
24 hours (three days). An average day will consist of both lectures and hands-on sessions.