Theoretical Physics
The Netherlands has a long-standing tradition in excellence in Theoretical Physics that is united in the Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics.
The Netherlands has a long-standing tradition in excellence in Theoretical Physics that is united in the Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics.
Since 2024, the DRSTP has organized the Dutch Summer School of Theoretical Physics, formerly known as the Utrecht Summer School of Theoretical Physics (Note that registration for the school is via the Utrecht Summer School website).
More information on the content and lecture material can be found on the website of the DRSTP.
The target audience of this one-week course are advanced bachelor students in the field of (theoretical) physics, especially those who are preparing to start a Theoretical Physics master's programme, or who are considering to do so in the near future.
Classes from 9.00 - 17.00
A limited number of scholarships in the form of (partial) course fee waivers for talented students from developing countries are available. Talented students from other countries can also apply. There are no travel grants available. If you seek financial support you should make a request (in a separate page of your motivation letter} by describing the reasons for applying to this summer school and how your participation will assist you in future studies and your career. You should explain your financial situation and other means you have available for financing your participation to this summer school. The applications for scholarships will undergo a selection procedure.
There are twenty scholarships available for Dutch bachelor students in the form of course fee waivers. We encourage you to apply for these by mentioning the need for support in your motivation letter.
The housing costs do not include a Utrecht Summer School sleeping bag. This is a separate product on the invoice. If you wish to bring your own bedding, please deselect or remove the sleeping bag from your order once you apply for this course.
As part of the application procedure, we ask for one letter of recommendation to support your application. Please ask your referee to send the letter directly to m.e.t.hilkens@uu.nl.
For this course you are required to upload the following documents when applying: