During the first part of this track we will explore what AI is, which impact it will have on (corporate) governance, the M&A practice, jobs and the legal profession (by a lecture and a workshop) and we will answer the question whether the AI Act, together with existing legislation on privacy and copyright, is sufficient to safeguard against risks of AI and what further measures or exceptions may be necessary.
In the second part of this track we will explain the structure of - and interaction between the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and give a high-level overview of the obligations imposed on in-scope companies. In addition to the basics, we will zoom in on the developments within the sustainable finance market and look at lessons learned about the application of the regulatory framework. We will discuss what forms of sustainable finance products are available against the backdrop of the Paris Agreement: how to finance the transition to becoming net zero in 2050. What is becoming the new norm?
This special track consists of the two courses: Artificial Intelligence, Governance and Law | Utrecht Summer School and Sustainable (ESG) Finance and Law | Utrecht Summer School
Day to Day Documents
E33 Draft Day Program Sustainable (ESG) Finance and law 2025 website_1.pdf
E34 Draft day program Artificial Intelligence (AI) governance and law_website.pdf
Target audience
Bachelor and Master students with an interest in Artificial Intelligence, Sustainable finance, Govermance and Law. PhD students and young professionals are also welcome to apply.
Aim of the course
Part one: To equip students and young professionals with an insight into the background and development of key issues of Artificial Intelligence, Governance and Law. In addition, participants will learn to use AI to solve issues connected with the legal practice.
Part two: To equip students and young professionals with an insight into the background and development of key issues of Sustainable (ESG) Finance and Law and into (aspects of) European regulations and directives that are important to Sustainable financing like the Taxonomy Regulation, the SFDR, MiFID II, the CSRD and the CSDDD.
In addition, participants will learn how a Sustainable Finance Fund is set up, what role sustainability plays in providing credit to large companies and medium- and small sized businesses.
Study load
Contact hours daily: four to five hours (lectures, group assignments). Self-study daily: four hours (preparation and research).
Participants can choose to make a final exam on the last day of the course or to participate in a group presentation with a pitch about one or more AI issues judged by a jury. Grading for the exam is based on a 10-point scale on the weighted sum of different elements.
The participation in the group presentation will not be graded. The jury will select the best group presentation and the participants of this group will receive an extra certificate which states that the participant was member of the winning team.
Fee covers
Course + course materials
Housing fee:
Housing provider:
Utrecht Summer School
Additional information
If you are a student, you will pay the course fee of €1350. If you are not a student, you will pay an additional fee of € 200. This additional fee will be visible once the application is accepted.
The housing costs do not include a Utrecht Summer School sleeping bag and/or pillow. These are separate products on the invoice. If you wish to bring your own bedding, please deselect or remove the sleeping bag from your order once you apply for this course.