
Exploring the Future through Stories in Literature and Film

This course explores different ways in which stories in literature and film can help us re-shape our personal future and that of the world.

Student fee


Course Level
Advanced Bachelor
ECTS credits
2.5 ECTS
Course location(s)
Utrecht, The Netherlands
uncovering new worlds through narratives


We can travel all over the world, we can travel into space, but we cannot travel in time... Or...can we? Mentally we can time travel. And the stories in literature and film are a great inspiration for a journey into the future. This course explores different ways to re-shape our personal future and that of the world through stories in literature and film.

In this course we employ recent research, novel narrative (psychological) theory, and practical exercises exploring how stories in literature and film can be great inspiration for our narrative imagination of the future. They can spark our imagination and help us understand other people, by introducing us to characters who have a different perspective on the world. When we make sense of the world around us and of what could happen in the years ahead, we often rely on narrative structures we have encountered in our culture and folklore. Similarly, books, films and series can shape our perceptions of our lives today and our expectations of what will happen in our future. We thus often engage (subconsciously) in mental time travel. By becoming aware of different pathways of narrative influence we can let go of the stories we are stuck in, and imagine new avenues for change. We can reflect on what it means to have a meaningful (working) life, and train our “moral muscle” – our capability for empathy, ethical awareness and moral decision-making. 

This course combines the stories in literature and film, with theory and practical exercises to explore different futures and become aware of ways in which we can (re)shape the future. We will focus on people's personal futures (future self, career identity) as well as the type of world we want to envision, reflecting on values and morality. In the current turbulent global climate, stories can help us make sense of what is going on and offers us templates towards a future world we want to be a part of. 

We will need a minimum number of participants for this course in order for the course to proceed. We will let you know as early as possible, at the latest one month in advance.


Dr. Inge Brokerhof

Inge Brokerhof is scholar, lecturer and writer with a focus on narrative identity, organizational psychology, storytelling, organizational change, business ethics, and rhetoric. She obtained her PhD at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 2021, titled "Fictional narratives at work: How stories can shape career identity, future work selves and moral development". During her PhD she worked as a researcher at Harvard Business School and the University of Bath. 

Dr. Frank Hakemulder

Frank Hakemulder has a background in literary theory, and specializes in the psychology of literature and media, in particular the impact of stories on reflection, wellbeing, perception of self and other (e.g., The moral laboratory, 2000). He is associate professor at the department of Liberal Arts and Sciences. In addition, he is affiliated full professor at the Reading Center at the University of Stavanger.

Target audience

Professionals and students with a Master, PhD, or advanced Bachelor level who are interested in stories, storytelling and narrative impact through literature and film

Aim of the course

After this course you have gained insight into:

  • Three different pathways through which stories re-shape your future self
  • Ways in which stories can help us imagine different futures
  • How literature can promote the development of "moral muscle" – the capability of ethical awareness and moral decision-making
  • Why moral leaders are readers: exploring how novels can stimulate leadership development
  • Using narratives and storytelling to enhance your personal career (in research and analysis; in training and development)
  • Expand your understanding of theoretical foundations, such as future self theory; moral muscle; narrative psychology; narrative impact; storytelling; sustainability; 

Study load

Three weeks before the meeting, you will receive a few articles to read and a short assignment to fulfill before the course. Each course day will consist of a (guest) lecture, and an (interactive) assignment. At the end of the course you will also fulfill a short online assignment. The total study load is: 2.5 ECTs.


  • Course fee: €1050.00
  • Student fee: €750.00
  • Included: Course + course materials
  • Housing fee: €200
  • Housing provider: Utrecht Summer School

Additional information

The housing costs do not include a Utrecht Summer School sleeping bag. This is a separate product on the invoice. If you wish to bring your own bedding, please deselect or remove the sleeping bag from your order once you apply for this course. 


We will need a minimum number of participants for this course in order for the course to proceed. We will let you know as early as possible, at the latest one month in advance.

For this course you are required to upload the following documents when applying:

  • C.V.
