
UPC - Boost your Professional & Personal Skills

Broaden your Perspective: Internationally, Culturally, Academically and Personally

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Course Level
ECTS credits
Course location(s)
Utrecht, The Netherlands


This two weeks English taught programme is exclusively offered to students of UPC, Lima, Peru by Utrecht Summer School, the Netherlands. The didactical approach of this 2 weeks’ programme may be quite different than what you experience in  your home degree programme. Together with lecturers and professional coaches from the work field we will guide you through a meaningful and valuable experience. The course will help you integrate your existing knowledge and skills with new insights, to step out of your comfort zone and to strengthen the mind-set to improve communication and compassionate collaboration.

The sessions are highly interactive, challenging and fun; you will be invited to experiment, experience, reflect and discuss. You will learn by doing and explore different perspectives, while in the meantime being offered important professional and personal insights, as well as exploring the country and culture of the Netherlands.

UPC Information on the Course

  • The Netherlands (with its total of almost 18 million inhabitants) is the 4 most competitive nation in the world out of the 140 countries ranked in the 2019 edition of the Global Competitiveness Report published by the World Economic Forum.
  • The Utrecht region is ranked as the ‘most competitive region of the European Union’  (EU Regional Competitiveness Index 2.0-2022 edition (, out of the 167 European regions. 
  • Utrecht Summer School is the biggest (and eldest) summer school in Europe and offers a broad selection of over 150 summer courses in various disciplines, attracting more than 3.000 students in July/August every year.

The Sunday before the official start of the programme, we will have an informal get together and get a taste of the amazing, medieval, student-friendly and student-dense city of Utrecht.

On the first day of the programme we will help you to understand the Netherlands within the context of the European Union: the opportunities and barriers within the EU that are impacting European organisation, initiatives and citizens.

On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Communication is the main topic. You will be introduced to the Four-Mode Perspective: this universal principle entails that every challenge can be met, and that every message can be brought in four different ways. Together we will explore each of the four modes: their benefits and qualities you can develop when you are in the specific modes, how to motivate people in four ways, how to provide feedback and how to build bridges and avoid annoyances. After submerging yourselves in the Four Mode Perspective for two days, you will be surprised and exited how it will give an enormous boost not only to your communication skills, but also to broader thinking and better understanding others. Thursday is about Collaboration in socio-cultural diversity. Two skills mixed into one day of discoveries about the fun and the challenges of collaboration effectively and pleasantly. Exercises, dialogues, challenges and quizzes will test your abilities and strengthen them on the go! Friday is all about looking inward: self-regulation, critical thinking and media literacy are the three courses on the menu. You will investigate the power of your automatic pilot and use of overriding it more regularly. You will discover new and highly powerful ways of looking at your ego and your opinions and learn to bothered less by the both of them. And you will enjoy sensations you can only experience when everything is offline. Parallel to these workshops, we will take you out on related Field Trips/Assignments/Excursions.

The weekend programme will allow you to explore the country and culture a bit more; we have some activities planned and there will also be some time to plan things for yourself.

The second week starts with a two-days’ workshop on Trends & Scenario Planning. You will be engaged in analysing mega trends, become familiar with the concept of scenario planning and  actually work with it.

Wednesday and Thursday of the second week will focus on the key role of Leadership for long-term success for any organisation. Recent research by McKinsey has found that approximately 94% of senior executives feel that people and the corporate culture are the most important drivers of innovation. The workshops include topics on personal leadership; helping you to get familiar with some of the individual characteristics of leadership that supports performance happiness and innovation. It will also give you insight who you and what can be an asset for your personal leadership within your own context.

The last day will bring together the learnings of the 10 days’ voyage towards mastering Global Citizenship, and finally the farewell ceremony

In the evenings, we have some social-cultural activities planned. On these events you will be able to meet with other students of Utrecht Summer School from across the globe, to further increase your unforgettable experience in the Netherlands.

Day to Day Documents

Provisonal D2D Programme.pdf

Target audience

This course is open to students 18+ from different fields of study who have an interest in broadening their horizon and  becoming a more complete person and professional.

This highly interactive approach requires academic English language skills at a minimum intermediate level (ideally B2).

Aim of the course

The programme builds on two pillars;

  • Give students insight in the country, culture, innovations and challenges of the Netherlands (within the context of the European Union);
  • Personal and professional development of participants.

This intensive programme aims to enrich your personal and professional life in a variety of ways. Not only will the knowledge and skills we will work on, expand your capabilities, they will also broaden your perspective internationally, culturally, academically and personally.

Keywords of the programme: 21st Century Skills,  Megatrends, Innovative & Sustainable Practices, Field trips, Cultural activities, Leadership skills.


  • Course fee: €2350.00
  • Included: Course + course materials + mealplan
  • Housing fee: €450
  • Housing provider: Utrecht Summer School

Included in the fee**:

  • 13 nights in Utrecht Summer School students’ accommodation: self-catering units with private bedroom, and shared kitchen and bathroom with (2-4) other students. Check-in Saturday 20 July 2024, check-out Friday 2 August 2024;
  • One meal per day – lunch. You have to arrange for other meals yourself. You can store groceries in the (fridge in the) accommodation and cook for yourself); 
  • Monday – Friday: coffee/tea during the breaks;
  • Airport transfer on arrival day and on Friday 2 August 2024 (for the whole group);
  • The programme including: the lectures, workshops, guest speakers/site visits, entrance tickets, study material, transfers, some social/cultural activities.

 ** This quote is subject to 20 – 25 p., arriving at/departing from Schiphol Airport the same date and time/together.

Not included:

  • All meals besides the one meal/lunch per day that is included;
  • Transport (bus/tram approx..12 minutes) to the activities in the evening (this costs approx. 4 Euros for a return ticket);
  • Insurances;
  • Personal expenses;
  • Inbound and outbound airfare to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport


Additional information

During this programme you will stay in the dorms of the universities that are occupied by international students throughout the academic year. As a result, the housing provided is affordable (and included in the programme fee), but very basic; after all student rooms are not hotel rooms. You will have your own bedroom and share the kitchen and bathroom with other students.

When you arrive at our office you will receive bed linen. Please make sure to check the website for all housing information. Note; towels/sanitary products/meals for example are NOT included.


The selection of students will be done by the home university.