The Art of Renaissance in Florence and Rome
The main goal of this course is to introduce students to the art and architecture of Florence and Rome in its historical context.
The main goal of this course is to introduce students to the art and architecture of Florence and Rome in its historical context.
Mastery of basic concepts and terminology of art historical studies is an essential aspect of this course. In doing so, you will get familiar with the origins, nature, and development of the Renaissance in the visual arts.
Florence, originally founded by the Romans, was governed by the Medici family for centuries. Most of them had a passionate interest in painting, sculpture, architecture, and literature. Still Florence keeps an exceptional artistic heritage, which is marvelous evidence of its aged culture. This course offers students the opportunity to study the works of art from the Renaissance period, while staying in Florence.
Florence is the most marked example of Renaissance cities in Italy. Nowhere else in Italy does one find this multitude of buildings and works of art from this period. Among the cultural highlights is the magnificent cathedral (Santa Maria del Fiore), churches that contain breathtaking fresco cycles, renowned museums (e.g. Uffizi, Bargello, Accademia), and impressive city-palaces (e.g. Palazzo Strozzi; Palazzo Rucellai; Palazzo Pitti, Palazzo Medici-Riccardi) and Palazzo Vecchio, the famous city hall. Apart from offering stimulating lectures, the Summer School programme also includes a day trip to Rome.
Prof. dr. Michael Kwakkelstein; Stefano Corazzini; Klaas Tonckens; Esther Millenaar, MA, Med.; dr. Gert Jan van der Sman; Dennis Geronimus, PhD (Scholar-in-residence, Dutch University Institute for Art History (NIKI) & Professor of Italian Renaissance Art, New York University).
Class meetings will be divided between illustrated lectures and discussions at the Institute, and guided visits on site in museums, churches, and palaces of Florence.
Form of Assessment: Reading, class participation, and written work are all required of students. Grades will be composed of evaluations based on an assignment and a presentation.
The check-in date for this course at NIKI is Friday 4 July 2025. On Saturday 5 July there is an excursion for you to join. On Monday 7 July the actual course will start. If you would like to check-in earlier, or if you will not be able to check-in on Friday 4 July, please contact NIKI for an alternative check-in.
The majority of the students will stay at NIKI, some will stay in an apartment nearby. This is arranged by the Utrecht Summer School office. Participants will be informed about the accommodation one month prior to the start of the course. Please read the information on this page, regarding the accommodation at NIKI.
Those who wish to arrive prior to the beginning of the course or wish to stay longer at the institute can write to niki@nikiflorence.org to arrange an alternative check-in/check-out.